Kids Stuff Academy Mission/Philosophy
Our goal is simple:
To Educate Tomorrows Leaders
Since opening our doors in 1982, Kids Stuff Academy has been helping children fulfill their potential. We do this through teaching our children and communicating with our parents.
Our mission is to provide a loving, safe and nurturing environment for children of all ages from 6 weeks - Elementary After School. Our purpose is to love each child that attends our academy just as God loves each and every one of them.
Kids Stuff Academy was founded on the belief that every student has the ability to learn and become tomorrow's leader.
Our Curriculum
The Creative Curriculum includes developmentally appropriate goals and objectives for children within four main categories of development: social/emotional, physical, cognitive and language.
The social/emotional stage helps promote independence, self-confidence, and self-control. Within this stage, children learn how to make friends, how to have group interactions and how to follow rules.
The physical stage is intended to increase children’s large and small motor skills.
The cognitive stage is associated with thinking and reasoning skills. Children learn how to solve problems, ask questions, and think critically.
The language stage deals with communication. Children learn how to communicate with others, listen and participate in conversations, and recognize various forms of print. In this stage, children begin to recognize letters and words and begin writing for a purpose.
Preparing your child:
We believe it is important for children to be in a safe and Christian based environment to learn independence and decision-making skills as well as how to listen and work with the teacher during a guided activity. We use Creative Curriculum for learning which ensures that children are appropriately challenged in a safe and respectful manner while being exposed to a diverse array of learning activities. With this curriculum, children are able to thrive in all areas of child development, creative thinking, complex problem solving, empathetic collaboration, curious investigation and astute decision making while feeling encouraged, happy and empowered.
We require that all children arrive to our preschool by 9am so that our learning activities are not disrupted.
Admission Policy
We have an open enrollment policy. Our services are offered to everyone regardless of race, sex, religion, or national origin.
All enrollment forms must be completed before your child may attend our school. Please inform us of any changes to this information as soon as they occur such as: telephone numbers, addresses, places of employment, individuals who are authorized to pick up, etc. Each year you will be asked to update your child’s contact information.
Website / Pictures and Activities
By enrolling your child at Kids Stuff Academy, you as a parent or guardian give permission for your child to be involved in the activities and events at Kids Stuff Academy. You also give permission for your child to be on our website, social media pages and advertising.
A waitlist is maintained and used to fill vacancies in each classroom. The waitlist fee is $50 and nonrefundable. When an opening is available, families will be notified in the order that they were placed on the waiting list and paid the waitlist fee, with priority given to siblings of children already enrolled and to families whose childcare schedule closely fits the available opening. Parents must submit the enrollment package and pay the registration fee within 24 hours of being notified. If these forms and fees are not completed during this time, the opening will be offered to the next family on the waiting list.
Arrival and pick up procedures for all programs:
Please use our secure entry to clock in and out your child daily. This is for the safety of all our children and teachers.
- During arrival and pick up time, please be mindful not to block the driveway and park in marked parking spaces
- Please walk your child into the classroom (no one under 18 can pick up your child from school, ensure child’s teacher welcome your child)
Please do not leave valuables in your unlocked car or your car running while you are not in it
Clothing and Personal Items for preschool programs:-
All clothing should be marked with your child’s name
Please bring 2 extra sets of seasonal clothing to leave at school in case we need to change your child. If your child does not have extra clothes, you will be notified to bring some immediately
- Please do not allow your child to bring toys to school unless requested to do so
We cannot be responsible for lost toys, clothing, or personal items.
Meals and Snacks
- A menu is posted in the school
Lunch is served between 11am-12pm
Snacks will be provided.
Birthday parties are always welcomed after our afternoon snack time. Arrangements should be made with your child’s teacher. Refreshments are the responsibility of the parent of the child celebrating the birthday and must be store bought.
All preschoolers are expected to rest or sleep on a nap mat (non-plastic, provided by the parent). Blankets/Nap mats should be taken home each Friday for cleaning and returned on Monday.
To administer any medication at Kids Stuff Academy, we must have a signed medication consent form with medication in its original package (not expired) and with that child’s name if the medication is prescribed by a doctor, to be kept in our medicine lock box and only to be administered by a Director.
If you have any questions “Keep at Home” please review the lists via:
Immunizations / Sick
Immunizations must be up to date and complete at the first day of enrollment. We do not allow immunization exemptions. Should your child become ill at school, you will be notified and requested to pick up your child immediately. After 45 minutes of being notified and child is still at school, late pick up fees apply. Do not send your child back to school until there is an absence of fever or vomiting without medication for 24 hours. We are not equipped to keep a sick child at school. Please see for additional sickness policies. Kids Stuff Academy does not administer aspirin or Benadryl.
Discipline / Dismissal
At Kids Stuff Academy, we use redirection and Conscious Discipline as our form of discipline.
Conscious Discipline provides positive experiences of learning while providing a transformational, whole-school solution for social-emotional learning, discipline and self-regulation.
Although rare, a situation may arise in which it becomes evident that the needs of the child cannot be met effectively by our school. A decision to dismiss a child will only happen after we feel every option has been explored. Every measure will be taken to meet the needs of the child in question. Our school’s primary responsibility is to ensure the safety of all children.
Acts of inappropriate behavior include but are not limited to bodily harm to others, posing a danger to oneself, excessive offensive language and chronic classroom misbehavior are grounds for dismissal. Our administrative staff will assess each dismissal not only with regard to the individual child’s needs, but also with the needs of all the children served. The parent will be a central figure in the discussion regarding this issue, but the decision to dismiss a child must be left to the discretion of our preschool Directors. If your child enrolls and cannot adapt to our teaching environment within 6 weeks, we have the right to refuse admission to our preschool. Please keep in mind that our registration fee is non-refundable, and that attendance week will be prorated.
We want to ensure that every child is safe while in our care. Our program provides an environment that encourages and promotes cooperative interaction, respect for others, and non-aggressive problem solving between the children. Biting is a normal stage of development for young children who are teething and are still developing their language skills. It is usually a temporary and most common between 13-24 months of age. For safety/health concerns, we take biting seriously. Our policy for handling a biting incident is the following:
The biter is immediately removed from the group with a firm NO (not a word normally used in our classrooms) and the bitten child is consoled, and the bitten area washed with soap and water. If necessary, ice is applied to reduce any swelling or bruising.
A written incident report is given to the parents of all children involved when they are picked up that day. The name of a biting child is not released because it serves no useful purpose and can make an already difficult situation more difficult.
If your child has bitten another child twice in one day, you will be contacted and asked to come to the school to pick up your child. If biting continues, the Director will review and evaluate the situation with the parent.
Parent / Preschool Communication
At Kids Stuff Academy, we use various forms of non-paper communication with parents regarding upcoming events, tuition, calendar, inclement weather closings, etc. Our Director emails are as follows:
KSA Anderson:
KSA Clemson:
Financial Agreement
At Kids Stuff Academy all tuition amount is weekly. All payments are due on
Monday for that week of attendance. All tuition changes are subject to a 60-day notice. A 2-week notice is requested prior to withdrawing your child or children from Kids Stuff Academy.
As a parent, you agree to pay all tuition and fees by the end of the school day on
Monday of each week. Tuition and fees not paid by the close of business day on
Tuesday will be charges a $50.00 late fee. If payments are not paid by the close of
Wednesday, your child/children will not be re-admitted. We cannot guarantee that we will have a spot upon return.
Registration and Material Fees
I agree to pay a non-refundable fee of $150.00 upon enrollment. This registration fee is required each school year at registration. Our school year runs the same as the public-school year. A materials fee of $50.00 is to be paid annually for all children. This fee is to purchase materials for daily classroom use and due at time of enrollment.
Elementary School Age Children
I understand and agree that if my school age child/children are at Kids Stuff Academy when public school is not in session (Summer camp excluded) an additional $35.00 per day will be charged along with the normal weekly tuition for afterschool care. The costs of field trips are not included with weekly tuition.
Late Stay Charges
If your child remains at Kids Stuff Academy past the scheduled closing time, you will be charges and agree to pay $20.00 for the first 10 minutes or part thereof and $20.00 for each additional 10 minutes or part thereof.
Returned Checks
If your tuition check returns for any reason, a $25.00 charge will be applied to your account. After two returned checks, all payments must be submitted by cashier’s check, money order, or cash only.
Vacation Policy
Annually from August to June, and after six months full time continuous enrollment at Kids Stuff Academy, I understand that up to 2-week absences from Kids Stuff Academy can be granted at half price of weekly tuition. This period of vacation from Kids Stuff Academy is available during the school calendar year only. Unused vacation will not be carried into the next calendar year. Please advise management of your intentions when using these discounted weeks of child care. Kids Stuff Academy will close for a week in observance of Christmas. In addition to the 2-week vacation, tuition for this week will be half off.
Holidays and Inclement Weather
Parents will not be entitled to any credit on the weekly tuition due to holidays or emergency closing. Every effort will be made to be open during inclement weather. Tune in to WYFF4 TV, Kids Stuff Academy Facebook, for closing information during inclement weather conditions. Please see calendar for Holidays.
Discipline Policy Statement
Praise and positive reinforcement are effective methods of behavior management of children. When children receive positive, nonviolent, and understanding interactions from adults and others, they develop good self-concepts, problem solving abilities, and self-discipline. Based on this belief, Kid's Stuff Academy uses a positive approach to discipline and practices the following discipline and behavior management techniques.
- Communicate to children using positive statements.
Communicate with children on their level.
Talk with children in a calm quiet manner.
Explain unacceptable behavior to children.
Give attention to children for positive behavior.
Praise and encourage the children.
Reason with and set limits for the children.
Apply rules consistently.
Model appropriate behavior.
Set up the classroom environment to prevent problems.
Provide alternatives and redirect children to acceptable activity.
Give children opportunities to make choices and solve problems.
Help children talk out problems and think of solutions.
Listen to children and respect the children’s needs, desires and feelings.
Provide appropriate words to help solve conflicts.
Use storybooks and discussion to work through common conflicts.
Inflict corporal punishment in any manner upon a child.
Use any strategy that hurts, shames, or belittles a child.
Use any strategy that threatens, intimidates, or forces a child.
Use food as a form of reward or punishment.
Use or withhold physical activity as a punishment.
Shame or punish a child if a bathroom accident occurs.
Embarrass any child in front of others.
Compare children.
Place children in a locked and/or dark room.
Leave any child alone, unattended or without supervision.
Allow discipline of a child by other children.
Criticize, make fun of, or otherwise belittle a child’s parents, families, or ethnic groups.
Conferences will be scheduled with parents if disciplinary problems occur. If a child’s behavior consistently endangers the safety of the children around him/her, then the Director has the right, after meeting with the parents and documenting behavior problems and interventions, to terminate childcare services for that particular child.
Note: If, at any point, there is an indication/suspicion that a child may have special needs, Kid's Stuff Academy will inform the child’s family and make contact with Baby Net or a referral service as needed for assessment and assistance.
Nutrition Policy Statement
Good nutrition is vital to children's overall development and well-being. In an effort to provide the best possible nutrition environment for the children in our facility, Kid's Stuff Academy has developed the following childcare nutrition policies to encourage the development of good eating habits that will last a lifetime.
Weekly Menus
Our weekly menus are carefully planned to follow child care nutrition guidelines at every meal. Each menu is designed to provide a wide variety of nutritious foods that are different in color, shape, size and texture. All of our childcare menus include foods that are culturally diverse and seasonally appropriate. We also like to introduce new and different foods and include children’s favorite recipes in our menu planning. Menus are rotated.
Nutrition and Punishment
Staff will never use food as a reward or as a punishment.
Professional Development
Annual nutrition training is required to ensure that all staff understand the important role nutrition plays in the overall well-being of children.
Physical Activity Policy Statement
Kid's Stuff Academy recognizes the importance of physical activity for young children. Implementation of appropriate physical activity practices supports the health and development of children in care, as well as assisting in establishing positive lifestyle habits for the future.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that children in care are supported and encouraged to engage in active play, develop fundamental movement skills and to have limited screen time. Our center encourages all children to participate in a variety of daily physical activity opportunities that are appropriate for their age, that are fun and that offer variety. In order to promote physical activity and provide all children with numerous opportunities for physical activity throughout the day Kid's Stuff Academy will:
Daily Outdoor Play
Encourage a least restrictive, safe environment for infants and toddlers at all times.
Provide a designated safe outdoor area for infants (ages 0-12 months) for daily outdoor play.
Provide toddlers (ages 1 through 2-year-old) with at least 60-90 minutes of daily outdoor active play opportunities across 2 or 3 separate occasions.
Provide preschoolers and school age children (ages 3 through 10-year-old) with at least 90-120 minutes of daily outdoor active play opportunities across 2 or 3 separate occasions.
Increase indoor active play time so the total amount of active play time remains the same if weather limits outdoor time.
Provide a variety of play materials (both indoors and outdoors) that promote physical activity.
Role of Staff in Physical Activity
Will encourage children to be physically active indoors and outdoors at appropriate times.
Will provide 5-10 minutes of planned physical activities at least 2 times daily for children ages 3 and older.
Physical Activity and Punishment
Staff members do not withhold opportunities for physical activity (e.g., not being permitted to play with the rest of the class or being kept from play time), except when a child’s behavior is dangerous to himself or others. Staff members never use physical activity or exercise as punishment, e.g., doing push-ups or running laps. Play time or other opportunities for physical activity are never withheld to enforce the completion of learning activities or academic work. Our center uses appropriate alternate strategies as consequences for negative or undesirable behaviors.
Appropriate Dress for Physical Activity
We at Kid's Stuff Academy have a Ready to Play Policy! Please bring your child ready to play and have fun each day. Your child will participate in both indoor play and outdoor play. Therefore, play clothes and shoes which can get dirty and allow for free and safe movement are most appropriate. We expect parents to provide children with appropriate clothing for safe and active outdoor play during all seasons.
It is our expectation that children will go outside EVERYDAY! The only exception is when the temperature is below freezing.
Professional Development
Annual training on promotion of children’s movement and physical activity is required for all staff.
Waiver of Liability
Injury at Kids Stuff Academy
We will do everything reasonably possible to protect children in our care from undue harm and bodily injury. We at Kids Stuff Academy, operated by KSA1 LLC, KSA2 LLC have a legal “duty of care” to do everything possible to ensure students are safe from undue harm and injury. In our duty of care there are injuries that do occur due to everyday life of a child such as: bumps, scrapes, scratches, bites, insect bites, cut, squashed finger or toes, etc. These are a normal part of everyday for a child and we will not be assumed responsible for these.
Waiver of Liability, Release, and Assumption of Risk & Indemnity Agreement Notice:
I understand that by signing this Preschool/Childcare Waiver of Liability, I release and hold harmless Kids Stuff Academy, operated by KSA1 LLC and KSA2 LLC, and its owners, directors, officers, advisors, employees, agents, instructors, volunteers, childcare workers, and all other persons or entities acting for them from any and all claims, demands, suits, cost and charges, in connection with or arising out of childcare service, including but not limited to, personal injury, bodily harm, injury, or property damage occurring while the above child/children is/are in their care at Kids Stuff Academy.
Statement of Corporal Punishment –Not Tolerated at Kids Stuff Academy
Discipline and Behavior Management Techniques
Here at Kids Stuff Academy discipline is important and we have a strong role in teaching children to be self-disciplined. When students are self-disciplined, they understand a situation, make proper decisions about their behavior and behave appropriately. Effective discipline is primarily a matter of instruction rather than punishment.
We do not tolerate the use of corporal punishment in any of our classrooms.We help students achieve academic success through identification of academic and behavioral deficiencies and strengths and help students receive appropriate instruction. We provide:
Clear behavioral expectations and guidelines and encourage disciplinary consequences that are meaningful to students and have an instruction and reflection component.
Encourage consistent, fair, and calm enforcement of rules at the individual, class and school level.
Provide social skill training, conflict resolution skills, anger management, and problem-solving skills.
Redirection is given immediately to reinforce appropriate behavior.
What is corporal punishment?
Corporal punishment of students is the intentional infliction of pain or discomfort and/or the use of physical force upon a student in order to stop or change behavior. The use of corporal punishment in schools communicates that hitting is the correct way to solve problems and violence is acceptable in our society. Corporal punishment in an academic setting does not produce long-lasting changes in behavior, negatively effects the social, psychological, and educational development of students contributes to the cycle of child abuse and promotes pro-violence attitudes of youth (Andero & Stewart, 2002; Owen, 2005; Society for Adolescent Medicine, 2003).
Note: Any person unfamiliar to KSA will be required to show proof of identification. Under NO circumstances will the child be released to anyone other than those listed above without WRITTEN permission from the parent. By signing below, you verify that you have received the above items and that all information on this this enrollment is complete and accurate.
Permission for Emergency Evacuation
As part of our comprehensive preschool program for you child, we have developed the following emergency plan that would be utilized in the event of an emergency requiring evacuation and relocation of the children. Should an evacuation plan be necessary, the children in Anderson would be transported to Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 209 Broad Street, Anderson, SC using Kids Stuff Academy vehicles and personal vehicles.
Your permission for us to relocate your child for emergency evacuation is necessary. Please complete the attached form and return to us.